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What is BCHE?

BCHE is a member-driven, non-profit organization

operating in Bradley County, TN. However, we have members

from many surrounding counties and cities.

Bradley County Home Educators is a Christian organization and is governed by Christian principles. Nevertheless, it is open to everyone who home schools regardless of religion or cultural background as long as they can respect the policies, principles, and Statement of Faith set forth in the BCHE By-Laws. We are primarily a SUPPORT GROUP whose mission is to help others find joy in their homeschooling journey. All our activities and events are led by homeschool parents who volunteer their time and effort for the sake of their own families and our community.

Within our scope of support, we offer our members many activities and opportunities for social and educational interaction. Please enjoy our public pages and public calendar, which lists activities open to non-members. If you decide to become a member, you will have access to the private website which is full of activities and events. Among those: Plays, Musical Performances, Clubs, Parties, Social Activities for teens, Used Book sale, Standardized Testing, Yearbook, Members Picnic, Sports Activities, Field Trips, Field Day and Community Events.

If you are joining BCHE as a new member (or rejoining after missing a year or more), you will pay $50 when you register between June 1st and December 31st. Between January 1st and April 30th, you have the option of paying only $25 for a spring-only membership, but renewal will be required as of May 31 for the upcoming membership year.

If you are a present BCHE member, the renewal period will start on May 1st. On your first login after May 1st, you will be prompted to update your profile and then a $45 membership fee will be added to your balance for payment. If you completed an approved Service Task during the membership year, you will receive a $10 refund during the same membership year you served in.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for further questions. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you and your family to help you find joy in your homeschooling journey.

FAQs about BCHE

Q: Where are you located? Who are the members of BCHE?

A: BCHE is located in Bradley County, TN. We primarily serve the residents of Cleveland, TN and surrounding areas. Cleveland/Bradley Co. is located just north of Chattanooga in the southeast corner of the state.

We draw members from all over Bradley County, Polk County, even some from McMinn and Hamilton County. Cleveland is a very active city with lots to offer homeschoolers.

Q: Do I need to be a member of BCHE to come to all the activities?

A: There are several areas in which non-members are invited to participate: Those events are Park Days, our Annual Used Book Sale, Mom's Night Out (replacing our monthly meetings), Standardized Testing, and any of our public meetings like New to Homeschooling and Homeschooling Through High School.

Q: How does BCHE's membership costs compare to other homeschool groups?

A: First, we should clarify the difference between support group and a co-op. Your membership to BCHE is very valuable but it is not a co-op. We do offer a co-op, but that is only one of the activities we offer and only a fraction of our members actually participates in it.

Compared to other support groups that we have researched, we are on the low end of the cost scale. We know that we are mostly one-income families, and the Steering Team takes hours each year to discuss every detail of the budget to keep our costs low. Family Membership Fees go toward special events, parties, office supplies, paper products, and website fees. They are also used to cover Liability Insurance which has been requested by most of the churches where we hold activities. (The BCHE Co-op is self-supporting - meaning no membership dollars fund this activity.)

Q: Can you move "___" event so it doesn't conflict with "___" event?

A: The short answer is maybe, but probably not. Your leadership team carefully develops a calendar that tries to avoid conflicts, but there are only so many days in a week and hours in a day. We must consider holidays, other calendar activities, the schedule of the volunteer parent organizing the activity (VERY IMPORTANT since we are TOTALLY VOLUNTEER BASED), and the schedule of the venue where we would like to meet.

This is extremely difficult to organize, and we appreciate your understanding of how many variables must be satisfied to bring you so many wonderful activities. We know you juggle your family’s calendar - your leaders are homeschooling moms too and are in the same position! As with anything, we hope you will prayerfully and thoughtfully consider each activity you do. Everything may seem good, but not everything is beneficial for your homeschool.

Q: I would like to see _____ happen in BCHE. I think I have talents and skills that could help BCHE leadership in ____ area of service. Can I organize ____? Who do I contact?

A: We welcome your input and your volunteer time. If you think of an activity or would like to volunteer to help a current activity, the easiest way to do that is contact the volunteer parent who heads up that activity. You can also write to [email protected] and say so. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate Steering Team member.

Q: I have questions about Co-op

A: Please see the Co-op specific information tab in the Main Menu under Co-op.